Finding Balance on Sabbatical

At Francis, we encourage our employees to find their own Work-Life-Money Balance through new experiences and spending time with family and friends. That is why we established a company sabbatical program that includes paid time off along with a travel benefit for employees who have been at Francis for at least 10 years. We only ask they share their learned lessons and new perspectives with their peers at Francis post-sabbatical.
Read about some of their adventures.

Joe Topp
Vice President Investment Consulting Services | Principal

My wife and I spent 31 days traveling kid-free through Austria and Italy. It gave us the opportunity to connect with old family friends that we have not seen in over 25 years, which was such an amazing testament to how friendship can last over time and distance. It was a list of firsts for me: first time traveling abroad, first time staying in an Airbnb, first time on a robust public transportation system and first time spending time on vacation with my wife without the children around. Austria was incredible. We visited the mountaintop featured in “The Sound of Music,” my wife’s favorite movie. The trip was so incredible that it got us thinking about destinations for our next sabbatical trip, possibly Switzerland or even back to Austria.