It seems like everybody’s talking about Bitcoin these days. Before investing in cryptocurrency, here are some things you should consider.
Category: From Mike Francis
Higher taxes and inflation are expected. Here’s what investors should do.
While inflation-sensitive investments should always be a part of your portfolio, now is an ideal time to investigate whether you have enough exposure to them.
A Plan for Retirement Spending
Coming up with an effective plan for spending your hard-earned retirement savings is a complex task.
Take Aim at Fees
The keys to achieving a financially secure retirement are diligent saving, disciplined investing and controlling costs.
Stay on Target
The upcoming U.S. Presidential election and its impact on the financial market.
Help your future self by following these rules for retirement saving
How much you’ll need to save in order to afford to stop working someday depends on many factors.
Rise above emotions; stick to a steady savings strategy
Before you take any significant and potentially irreversible actions regarding your retirement savings, you should pause and ask some important questions.
Don’t let your lack of funds stop you from seeking help from a financial adviser
Why are so many people who need help with their finances not getting it?
What to do with your 401(k) account when you change jobs
Before deciding what to do with an old 401(k) account, here are a few questions that will help you determine your best course of action.
Roth 401(k) could be a better choice
Overwhelming evidence shows the benefits of Roth for certain types of savers.