Short term headlines can cause panic, but successful investing requires a long term perspective.
Category: Money Messages
Tax Season Checklist
Typical forms you may need to file your taxes.
Understanding Social Security Spousal Benefits
Social Security spousal benefits provide financial support for individuals who may not have earned significant income during their careers, often due to caregiving or part-time work. These benefits are designed to ensure that spouses, including lower earners, can still receive income in retirement.
Happy Quitters Day!
Keeping those New Year’s Resolutions is hard because it requires willpower we just don’t have. But there are some retirement plan New Year’s Resolutions that are easy to keep because they don’t require any willpower.
Medical Debt Got Upgraded
Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) will remove an estimated $49 billion in medical bills from the credit reports.
Time to Rethink that I Bond
The I Bond that was so valuable in May of 2022 has lost much of its appeal, but still carries a penalty for selling. What should you do with your old I Bond?
Naming a Trust as Beneficiary
It’s the new year and one of your resolutions is to finally get your long-overdue estate plan in order. You’ve been hearing a lot about the time and cost associated with probate and are thinking about making a trust your beneficiary to avoid it. However, you’re not sure if it should also be the beneficiary of your 401k. Is there a reason this might not be a good idea?
TikTok Financial Advice
Making financial education accessible and interesting is a great thing, but what should you consider
Should the Presidential Election Impact My Investment Strategy?
Should you make investing decisions based on who is in office?
Buy Now, Pay Later?
Buy Now, Pay Later?