Naming a Trust as Beneficiary

It’s the new year and one of your resolutions is to finally get your long-overdue estate plan in order. You’ve been hearing a lot about the time and cost associated with probate and are thinking about making a trust your beneficiary to avoid it. However, you’re not sure if it should also be the beneficiary of your 401k. Is there a reason this might not be a good idea?

Did your employer change 401 (k)Recordkeeper? It’s time to check your beneficiaries!

Life gets busy, and updating your 401(k) beneficiaries often gets pushed to the backburner.  But if your employer recently switched 401(k) recordkeepers, now’s the perfect time to double-check your beneficiary designations. When employers change recordkeepers, there’s a chance that your current beneficiary information won’t automatically transfer. It’s easy to overlook, but verifying your beneficiaries can… Continue reading Did your employer change 401 (k)Recordkeeper? It’s time to check your beneficiaries!