How Much Should I Plan for Medicare?

Sometimes retirement savers tend to think of 65 as the age that medical expenses drop off their annual expenses. Nothing could be further from the truth. While Medicare eligibility can dramatically reduce the costs for healthcare for a retiree, there remains a cost for Medicare that the retiree will have to pay. This message explained what that cost is and how you can estimate your own cost of Medicare.

Run a Retirement Projection Now!

We all know we should take our retirement planning seriously, but who has the time? Watch this money message to get a quick and easy tool for running a retirement projection with our MoneyGuide Monte Carlo Simulator. Then contact your financial planner to update your plan to make sure you are on the path to success.

Making the Medicare Decision Easy

Medicare can be confusing when you dive into all the parts and what they cover. But really, it only involves one major decision from which all the other decisions flow. Watch this money message to learn what that decision is, and to find a great online source for making the Medicare decision.