Reducing your Air Conditioning Costs

When the dog days of summer hit, keeping cool can be a challenge, but there are a bunch of easy tricks to save some cash while you chill out at home. Here are some tips straight from the pros:

Programmable Thermostat: Invest in a programmable thermostat. You can set it to bump up the temperature when you’re not home and cool things down just before you return. It’s like having a smart home assistant dedicated to your comfort!

Ceiling Fans: Ceiling fans are lifesavers. They don’t cool the air but they make you feel cooler by moving the air around. Make sure your fans are spinning counterclockwise in the summer for a wind-chill effect.

Close Curtains and Blinds: On those blazing hot days, keep your curtains or blinds closed to block out the sun’s heat. You’d be surprised how much this can cool down your space.

Cook Outside: If you can, use the grill instead of the stove or oven. Cooking outside keeps the extra heat out of your house.

AC Maintenance: Keep your air conditioner in top shape by cleaning or replacing filters regularly. Dirty filters make your AC work harder, which means more energy and higher bills.

Seal Leaks: Check for any leaks around windows and doors. Use weatherstripping or caulk to seal them up. This keeps the cool air inside and the hot air out.

Remember, these small changes can make a big difference in staying cool and keeping your wallet happy during the hottest days of the year.

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